Contacting Your Warm Market- The People you already know.
I’ve got GOOD NEWS and BETTER NEWS for you.
In this short report you’re going to get a wonderful solution to one of THE MOST COMMON PROBLEMS people face when attempting to build a network marketing business.
That problem is the reluctance new reps have to calling their warm market.
They just don’t want to do it. They’re uncomfortable with the idea, and very few things will change their minds on how they feel about it.
But, as we all know, contacting your warm market is one of the most important things you can do to become successful in network marketing.
Your “warm market” is defined as that group of people you know personally. They are “warm” to you.
Depending on your relationship with the people who fall into this group, there are some you may feel comfortable talking with about your new business. That’s great. Go ahead and reach out to them.
However, there are others, often people you look up to or whom you have great respect for, that you may be reluctant to call.
You’re afraid of getting a bad reaction, or having them criticize you in some way. You think they may be ‘above’ having an interest in a network marketing business.
The people in that group are often called your “Chicken List” because you are too chicken to call them.
Interestingly enough, those who manage work up the courage to contact the people on their “Chicken List” are often surprised at the good reaction they get. In truth, people who wield a great deal of influence make some of the very best networkers.
The issue then is how to overcome that initial fear of rejection.
Instead of having an actual conversation with those you’re apprehensive about calling, do this instead.
You can text a voice message, send it via Facebook Messenger, or leave a voice mail on their phone.
Hey (their 1st name). This is (your 1st name).
I hope you’re doing good and staying safe during these uncertain times. I actually thought of you because I was on a video conference and something they said made me think about you.
Basically, our company is looking for people to help us expand. What I’d love for you to do… if you would… I’d love to send you a free video along with a link where you can create an Free Account, just like you did with Facebook, or YouTube, Instagram, or Amazon… and once you’ve got a free account, you can watch a couple of short videos so you would really feel comfortable referring me to a few people.
Thanks in advance. I really appreciate you. Have a great day.
That’s it.
Send that message to those people you’d like to contact, but are just a little too nervous about actually calling them.
Doing this gets the ball rolling. You’ll see right away who gets a free account, who responds, and who you may need to follow up with.
This helps you connect with a maximum amount of people in a relatively short time.
The script above is written the way people actually talk. It’s not perfectly grammatically correct. That’s on purpose. It helps stop you from sounding like you’re reading a script.
Practice saying it out loud a few times. Get comfortable with the wording. If there’s anything you need to change to suit your personality, then do it. However, there are a couple of important things to keep in mind.
NOTICE: in your voice message you’re NOT asking them to get involved with your business, or buy anything from you. Instead you’re letting them know your company is expanding and you’d like their help with a few referrals.
You want them to feel comfortable in giving you those referrals, and that’s why it will be helpful for them to watch a couple of short videos.
Stay on point with your message if you need to change any of the wording from the suggested script above.
This messaging technique is a good thing to teach to your newest recruits.
Remember, just as reluctant as you may have been to call the people on your own “Chicken List”, they will likely feel the same. It’s a pretty common issue.
You can help get your newest recruits off to a good start by having them implement this effective technique as soon as possible after they make the decision to get started.
This is absolutely an idea worth duplicating!